Available for work

For the memories,
the heartmade things.
For you.

About the Work

What are the vibes?

What are the feels?

Passion Project: Life.

Inspiration: People.

I want to document you in your most authentic form. Whether you are in tears, laughing hysterically, staring blankly mid-memory, or running away from me -- I don't care. You are already giving me your best.

Project Image
Blending Pixels and Paradise
Ira Deloso
Available for work

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Hey I'm Ira Jane Deloso! I'm a freelance photographer based in Oahu.

My memory collection all started as a hobby at 14 when one of my closest friends insisted we take the bus to museums and cafes. I've always loved the concept of having something to look back to and so everywhere we went that day and forward, I captured her in different hues, a plethora of emotions, and a series of movements. It was, indeed, magical.

Quite frankly, it wasn't just the outcome of the photos, but the person in them that rekindled my love and joy for the stillness and the possibility of time traveling through pictures. This is coexisting at best.

As I build on projects, keep in mind that you are the inspiration behind them so be yourself.

Project Image
Blending Pixels and Paradise
Ira Deloso
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